
Ghobdcalc: An multibase calculator with several functionnalities.

Writing by:Eddie Brüggemann
Writing start:31/10/2014
Writing end:13/12/2014
Credits:Thank’s to my mother, my family and to the doctors.

Main Description

Ghobdcalc (for Graphical Hexadecimal Octal Binar Decimal Calculator), build

on the developpment files from the libHOBDCalc.

With GTK+3 as HMI (Human Machine Interface):

an multibase calculator with several functionnalities...

  • Ghobdcalc support 4 differents bases as entry values or converting output


    -) The decimal base.

    -) The binar base.

    -) The octal base.

    -) The hexadecimal base.

    You can entry values in the wanted base and convert the value in any

    supported base by hitting the corresponding toggle button wich will set

    the current base andor converting the current value in the wanted base.

  • Ghobdcalc support signed integer values limited

    from 9223372036854775807 to -9223372036854775808.

    and signed floating-point values composed from 19 digits in decimal base.

    The same limits are apply to values in the other supported bases.

    What permit the computing for the most purpose.

    So Ghobdcalc is limited to values encoded on 8 bytes.

Ghobdcalc provide several calculator functionnalities:

  • The ERASE button erase one digit from the current value.

  • The DELETE button erase all digits from the current value.

  • The REVERT button set the result of an operation as first operand

    value. With which you can continue chain operations.

  • The ENTER button compute the result from two operand and give the

    result in the current set base.

  • The RESET button reset all fields.

  • The basic operators buttons:

    • The + button set the operation to be an addition, by displaying

      an + sign in the operator filed.

    • The - button set the operation to be an substraction, by

      displaying an - sign in the operator field.

    • The × button set the operation to be an multiplication, by

      displaying an × sign in the operator field.

    • The ÷ button set the operation to be an division, by displaying

      an ÷ sign in the operator field.

    • The % button set the operation to be an Euclidian division,

      what perform the division from the two operands and give the rest

      of the entire values division, by displaying an % sign in the

      operator field.

    You must press the = or ENTER button to perform the operation.

    What permit to change the operator before result computing.

    You can change the operator even after having hit the = or ENTER

    button and the second operand can be edit after hit an operator button.

The mathematic specific operators button:

  • The DEG or RAD toggle buttons set the values to be take in charge

    as degrees if the DEG button is down or

    as radians if the RAD button is down.

  • The COS button convert the current value in the cosine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The SIN button convert the current value in the sine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The TAN button convert the current value in the tangent

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The ACOS button convert the current value in the arccosine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The ASIN button convert the current value in the arcsine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The ATAN button convert the current value in the arctangent

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The COSH button convert the current value in the hyperbel cosine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The SINH button convert the current value in the hyperbel sine

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The TANH button convert the current value in the hyperbel tangent

    from the current value in relationship to the current metric

    (degrees or radians).

  • The SQRT button convert the current value in his square root value.

  • The ABS button convert the current value in his absolute value.

  • The POW button is different because it need 2 values to compute an


    The base: the first operand. After define it press the POW button

    to set the exponent as the second operand and finally press the POW

    button again to compute the power.

The memory functionnalities:

Ghobdcalc provide an memory for registering specific values for resusing it later.
  • The MEM ADD button add the current value to the memory.

  • The MEM DEL button delete the memory entry pointed from the memory

    navigating curser.

  • The MEM GET button set the memory entry pointed from the memory

    navigating curser as current operand.

  • The MEM NAV button display the memory entry pointed from the memory

    navigating in the top bar.

  • The MEM NAV (+) button increment the memory navigating pointer.

  • The MEM NAV (-) button decrement the memory navigating pointer.

The saving & export functionnalities:

Ghobdcalc provide an mechanic to save the content of operations and

export it as an computing datasheet in 3 differents files format.

  • The SAVING button save the current operation for exporting it in

    the computing datasheet.

  • The Export as button reachable throught the menu button will

    display an export settings windows where you can set how the

    datasheet will be generate.

    You can export the saved operations as

    • An formatted text file.

    • An simple csv (Comma Separated Value) file.

      Chart with multiple columns.

    • An high configurable html file.

      where the operations are presented in an table.